This is the kind of music our kids should be hearing and singing... It deserves to be heard and sung and loved everywhere, as much as we love it here in New York.
See what people are saying
A trusted veteran of national children’s music production had this to say about “We Are Amazing!”...
The whole feeling of this program is incredible!! Each song is very different, but leaves you with the same terrific feeling of what a great person each of us can be. The children performing the songs were delighted to be doing it, and must have thought it was the greatest experience ever! I took my own children to see it, and they still sing parts of the songs that they only heard once. The songs are all really entertaining and catchy, so you remember the important messages easily. I think every child anywhere would benefit greatly from this amazing experience in their lives!
— Lindsay Cole, Providence, Utah
As an educator and mother of five, I am always on the lookout for quality instructional materials. The products developed by AnyKidCan definitely meets such a standard. The music is lively and fun, while the lyrics are thought-provoking and inspirational. My kids love it!
— Maria Covey Cole, Bountiful, Utah
The program ‘We Are Amazing!’ really is amazing. Our school presented this program the 29th of Sept. 2011, and we were thrilled with the end results. The time spent was well vested in bringing parents, students, and teachers together in a common understanding of just how special each person is and that we can be anything we truly want to be. The program received a standing ovation in a packed auditorium. The message was clear and all students had equal opportunity to shine. The kids still sing the catchy songs and talk about the fun time they had learning them. This was a great way to start the school year.
— The Third Grade Team at Morgan Elementary, Morgan, Utah
I attended one of these children’s performances and was unbelievably impressed. It was obvious the kids were having a blast, developing their talents, increasing in self-confidence, singing their hearts out, all while (and most importantly) absorbing countless truths regarding much-needed principles. Teddy Roosevelt said: ‘To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.’ What a wonderful concept to have these value-oriented programs a part of our school curriculum. I’d love to see these programs done in every elementary school in the country.
— Marilyn Gibby, Farr West, Utah
For deaf students who are educated in a mainstreamed classroom environment, music is often a very frustrating, boring and unfulfilled part of their educational experience. Bobbi Hansen’s music program, however proved to be an exception to that norm for my deaf third grade student. English songs are often very difficult to interpret to convey both the content meaning and the cadence. As an Educational Interpreter I found Bobbi’s program to not only be conducive to smooth translation into American Sign Language but also fun! This was particularly true of the song ‘Great Big Beautiful World’ which many of our students signed during our program. This song is exceptionally beautiful in ASL. It is visually graceful, expressive and accurately conveys both the message and the music. Because the songs in this program lent themselves to being signed, it gave a fulfilling, supportive experience to a deaf student who can often feel isolated in such a venue.
— Amy Hiller-White-Educator, Morgan, Utah
Our children range in age from 12 to 4 and each of them thoroughly loved the live performance of ‘We Are Amazing!’. We loved the energy, originality, and powerful messages that it portrays. Even our youngest daughter has memorized many of the words to the songs. It is very “catchy” and entertaining! As parents, we are excited that something this incredible is out there to help our children know how great they are and how much they can accomplish in the future. I would love to see this program performed in more schools to allow more children and their parents to experience it. We feel it teaches self-esteem, kindness, and the value of dreaming big! The best word that comes to mind is... Amazing!
— Haylie & Mike Boudrero, Loveland, Colorado
Just want you to know your recording is a great hit with my grandkids. We listened to it in the car on the way home from visiting relatives. Within a matter of minutes they had several song choruses memorized and begged to hear them over and over. Little four year old McKay, smiling shyly, said, ‘This music makes me cry. It’s truly is amazing!’ I will recommend it to my patients and their parents.
— Dr. Gerald Allred-Pediatrician, Memorial Clinic, Salt Lake City, Utah
This amazing program is just what parents, children, and those who work with children need in today’s world. Children are being influenced by so many sources for good and for bad. We Are Amazing was the perfect blend of character building values, beautiful music, and FUN. It was easy to see that these kids LOVE this program. As a parent, I feel this is a positive influence I want all of my children to experience in the coming years.
— Trace Hansen, Mapleton, Utah
After watching the AnyKidCan performance from the children in my community, it was obvious to see that this program had made a big impact with those who participated. There was a tangible excitement and enthusiasm in the air. The children not only knew every word of every song, they believed them. When the world is shouting for consensus and sameness, it is refreshing to hear the voice of individuality and conviction in song, especially when the next generation is singing it. We came away knowing that one person really can make a difference. AnyKidCan really made a difference!
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." (E.E. Cummings)
— Pamela Smith, Mountain Green, Utah
If we want to see our children become successful, confident, considerate, and contributing individuals, we must see that they are empowered with the awareness, and encouragement to believe in who they are and all that is within them to become. The program, ‘WE ARE AMAZING’ offers powerful personal skills to not only survive, but to conquer life’s challenges. Through the power of music, children are encouraged to utilize these life skills in everyday situations and circumstances. The kids LOVE the music, and that is absolutely evident in their performance!
An investment in “WE ARE AMAZING!” is an investment in children. And an investment in children, is an investment in our future!
— Blenda McGary, Enterprise, Utah
The production of “We Are Amazing!” has such an inspiring message for the youth of today. Any time that a child can voice such positive things about themselves is a winner in my book. The performers had so much fun singing these songs and they made me feel like they truly believed the words they were singing. I loved that there were no solos in the entire production. Every child was a ‘star’ and each one of them knew it.
— Janet Tueller- Educator, Roy, Utah
Our 3rd grade students had the opportunity to participate in and perform We Are Amazing! It was, without a doubt, AMAZING! I will admit, when I heard that
the students would learn 9 songs – with choreography, in 9 days, I was a little skeptical! Not only did they do it, but they LOVED it and couldn’t wait to share the music with their families. The children were eager to learn, engaged at all times, and looked forward to every moment that we spent singing. Parents voluntarily reached out to tell me how grateful they were for this experience. In fact, after the evening performance, the students received a standing
ovation from the audience. The response we received from parents, teachers, and community members was outstanding!
— Jennifer Rodda, Snow Horse Elem.
Our students were engaged from day one. They couldn’t wait to hear the next day’s lesson and learn another new song. The educational content paired with the emotional support and encouragement was outstanding. This program truly embodies the importance of each and every child’s worth and potential – no matter who they are, where they came from or what their current circumstance is. It truly is a program designed to highlight each and every student – everyone is a star and feels important! I have noticed a difference in the way my students treat and care for each other. The environment has shifted
to one of compassion and encouragement…the community feel is more positive and supportive. My favorite song is “Stronger”. I refer to it constantly with my class and one on one with students who are going through tough times. Her message of holding on and letting the storm pass is so powerful. I also refer to her “Smile” song. The message is that if we smile, that one smile turns into two. I have challenged my class to smile more and see how many smiles they can get back from others – how much happier is our world when we smile?
Jana Bottomly
— Jana Bottomly, Kaysville, Utah
I've never had so many parents email and tell me in person how much they've enjoyed an assembly and expressed their desire for the assembly to be continued.
• Parents also report that their students could not stop singing the songs at home and talking about the wonderful things they were taught
• K-6 teachers appreciated attending the assembly with their classes because they felt the message was valuable for all students
• The 3rd Grade teachers and I appreciated that it didn't require as much time as traditional programs to set up and practice etc. 2 weeks as opposed to
• An overwhelming number of students told me it was their BEST program ever and how much they miss you.
• I appreciate how it contributes to a positive school culture
— Rachel Alberts Principal, Snow Horse Elementary, Kaysville, Utah
I was able to incorporate the songs and stories from Mrs. Hansen’s "We Are Amazing!" program into my teaching every day. The students soaked up all of her
great lessons and shared their joy and love with others throughout their school day. When we had classroom discussions or problems to solve, we could relate back to the songs. All the music and words focus on the value of self, friends, parents, siblings, and teachers, the value of everyone. The music is filled with respect for self and others.
— Deborah B. Williams, Snow Horse Elementary
I attended the We Are Amazing program and was amazed! The music was beyond moving and up-lifting. Watching the children sing their hearts out and mean it was truly inspiring. Every child should have the opportunity to participate in this program that strengthens them and everyone who sees it!
— Kallin Luttmer, Ammon, Idaho
These beautiful songs remind everyone that “ANY KID CAN” be happy. Any kid can be smart. Any kid can be grateful. Any parent can be strong, and any person can be good. This program inspires all to be the best version of themselves and to live happy lives. I cry each time I watch kids perform it! This program deserves to be spread all around this 'great big beautiful world'!
— Karli Hansen, Logan, Utah
If every school in the nation had the “We Are Amazing!” program... I would be out of a job and that would make me very happy! Every child would have a high self esteem and value themselves as well as others, there would be no need to put others down to make themselves feel better... Wow! What a world it would be! -International Bullying Prevention Association Motivational Speaker
— Judy Wells, Gilbert Arizona